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Plumbers in Trivandrum

Electricians in Trivandrum

Welders in Trivandrum

Carpenter in Trivandrum

CCTV Installers in Trivandrum

Aluminium Fabricators in Trivandrum

Ac Repairing in Trivandrum

Mixer Repairing in Trivandrum

Grinder Repairing in Trivandrum

TV Servicing in Trivandrum

Computer Servicing in Trivandrum

Laptop Servicing in Trivandrum

Physiotherapists in Trivandrum

Gas Stove Repairs in Trivandrum

Mason in Trivandrum

Solar Panel Installers in Trivandrum
How It Works
If you want to get a work done
- 1. Register using basic information.
- 2. Post your Job
- 3. EzeeJobz will post your job to 100s of technicians in your area.
- 4. Technicians will provide you their quote
- 5. You select the one based on the quote and rating.
If you want a work.
- 1. Register using basic information.
- 2. Select the Services you can offer
- 3. EzeeJobz will get the work you need